Roots blower is mainly composed of casing, impeller, shaft, gear, bearing, oil seal and other components, which cooperate with each other to support the operation of the blower. Casing: The casing is the main part of the Roots blower, usually made o...
Funda OkuninziEnergy saving and high efficiency: Due to the reduction of mechanical friction loss, its energy efficiency is greatly improved than that of traditional fans, which can save 30%-50% of electric energy consumption. The fan can automatically adjust the ...
Funda OkuninziEnergy saving and high efficiency: compared with traditional vacuum pumps, energy saving is significant, such as 100 million liters maglev turbine vacuum pump than water ring vacuum pump energy saving of more than 40%, than multi-stage centrifugal va...
Funda OkuninziMagnetic levitation bearing system: magnetic levitation bearing is one of the core components of magnetic levitation centrifugal air compressor, which is composed of radial bearings, axial bearings, displacement sensors, controllers and electromagnet...
Funda OkuninziMagnetic levitation bearing: Magnetic levitation bearing is one of the core technologies of magnetic levitation blower, which is composed of radial bearings, axial bearings, displacement sensors, controllers and electromagnets. The displacement senso...
Funda OkuninziKukho iindidi ngeendidi zeeRoots blowers, phakathi kwazo intsimbi engenastainless Iiroot blowers zixhaphake kakhulu. Olu hlobo lwefeni lusetyenziswa ngokuqhelekileyo kwiimeko zokusebenza eziqulethe imidiya ephazamisayo, kwaye ngokuqhelekileyo isebenzisa i-304 okanye i-316 yensimbi engenasici njenge-materi ...
Funda OkuninziI-Roots Blower sisixhobo esibizwa ngokuba yi-Roots Blower emva kwabazalwana base-American Roots abasiyilayo. I-fan ine-rotors ezimbini ezijikelezayo zijongene enye kwenye, kwaye isithuba phakathi kwefeni kunye nezindlu zincinci kakhulu, ezinokukhupha umoya ngamandla kunye ...
Funda OkuninziI-Roots fan sisixhobo esisetyenziselwa ukuthutha irhasi okanye umxube werhasi. Ibandakanya iperi ye-intermeshing impellers kunye namaqokobhe, adla ngokubizwa ngokuba yi "screw type" okanye "i-impeller type" abalandeli. Ezi impellers ziyilelwe ukuba ube nemvume encinane kakhulu...
Funda OkuninziI-JYSR series three blade Roots blower (uhlobo olomileyo Iingcambu vacuum impompo) ayinazo kuphela iimpawu zokuphuma eziqinileyo zencakuba ezintathu zokuvuthela Iingcambu (emva koku kubhekiselwa kuyo njengesixhobo sokuvuthela okanye ifeni yazo zombini i-fan kunye nohlobo olomileyo lwempompo yokufutha) (eya . ..
Funda Okuninzi2025-03-10
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