Roots blower is mainly composed of casing, impeller, shaft, gear, bearing, oil seal and other components, which cooperate with each other to support the operation of the blower. Casing: The casing is the main part of the Roots blower, usually made o...
Nyeem ntxivEnergy saving and high efficiency: Due to the reduction of mechanical friction loss, its energy efficiency is greatly improved than that of traditional fans, which can save 30%-50% of electric energy consumption. The fan can automatically adjust the ...
Nyeem ntxivEnergy saving and high efficiency: compared with traditional vacuum pumps, energy saving is significant, such as 100 million liters maglev turbine vacuum pump than water ring vacuum pump energy saving of more than 40%, than multi-stage centrifugal va...
Nyeem ntxivMagnetic levitation bearing system: magnetic levitation bearing is one of the core components of magnetic levitation centrifugal air compressor, which is composed of radial bearings, axial bearings, displacement sensors, controllers and electromagnet...
Nyeem ntxivMagnetic levitation bearing: Magnetic levitation bearing is one of the core technologies of magnetic levitation blower, which is composed of radial bearings, axial bearings, displacement sensors, controllers and electromagnets. The displacement senso...
Nyeem ntxivMuaj ntau ntau yam ntawm cov hauv paus hniav blowers, cov uas stainless hlau hauv paus hniav blowers yog ib tug heev ib tug. Hom kiv cua no feem ntau siv rau hauv kev ua haujlwm uas muaj cov xov xwm corrosive, thiab feem ntau siv 304 lossis 316 stainless hlau ua cov khoom siv ...
Nyeem ntxivRoots Blower yog ib qho cuab yeej hu ua Roots Blower tom qab American Roots cov kwv tij uas tau tsim nws. Lub kiv cua muaj ob lub rotors uas tig rov qab ib leeg, thiab qhov sib txawv ntawm lub kiv cua thiab lub tsev yog me me, uas tuaj yeem quab yuam extrude cua thiab rau ...
Nyeem ntxivCov hauv paus kiv cua yog cov cuab yeej siv tshuab siv los thauj cov pa roj lossis roj sib tov. Nws muaj ib khub ntawm intermeshing impellers thiab plhaub, feem ntau hu ua "ntsia hlau hom" los yog "Impeller hom" kiv cua. Cov impellers no yog tsim los kom muaj kev tshem tawm me me ...
Nyeem ntxivJYSR series peb cov hniav Roots blower (qhuav hom Roots lub tshuab nqus tsev twj tso kua mis) tsis tsuas yog muaj cov yam ntxwv ntawm lub tshuab nqus tsev twj tso kua mis (qhov no yog hu ua lub tshuab blower lossis kiv cua rau ob lub kiv cua thiab lub tshuab nqus tsev twj tso kua mis qhuav) (uas . ..
Nyeem ntxiv2025-03-10
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