Roots blower is mainly composed of casing, impeller, shaft, gear, bearing, oil seal and other components, which cooperate with each other to support the operation of the blower. Casing: The casing is the main part of the Roots blower, usually made o...
Pročitaj višeEnergy saving and high efficiency: Due to the reduction of mechanical friction loss, its energy efficiency is greatly improved than that of traditional fans, which can save 30%-50% of electric energy consumption. The fan can automatically adjust the ...
Pročitaj višeEnergy saving and high efficiency: compared with traditional vacuum pumps, energy saving is significant, such as 100 million liters maglev turbine vacuum pump than water ring vacuum pump energy saving of more than 40%, than multi-stage centrifugal va...
Pročitaj višeMagnetic levitation bearing system: magnetic levitation bearing is one of the core components of magnetic levitation centrifugal air compressor, which is composed of radial bearings, axial bearings, displacement sensors, controllers and electromagnet...
Pročitaj višeMagnetic levitation bearing: Magnetic levitation bearing is one of the core technologies of magnetic levitation blower, which is composed of radial bearings, axial bearings, displacement sensors, controllers and electromagnets. The displacement senso...
Pročitaj višePostoje razne vrste Roots duvaljki, među kojima su Roots duvaljke od nerđajućeg čelika vrlo česte. Ovaj tip ventilatora se obično koristi u radnim uslovima koji sadrže korozivne medije, i uglavnom koristi nerđajući čelik 304 ili 316 kao materijal...
Pročitaj višeRoots Blower je uređaj nazvan Roots Blower po američkoj braći Roots koji su ga izmislili. Ventilator ima dva rotora koji se okreću jedan naspram drugog, a razmak između ventilatora i kućišta je veoma mali, što može na silu istisnuti vazduh i za...
Pročitaj višeRoots ventilator je mehanički uređaj koji se koristi za transport gasa ili gasne mešavine. Sastoji se od para promjenjivih impelera i školjki, koji se često nazivaju ventilatorima tipa "šraf" ili "tipa impelera". Ovi impeleri su dizajnirani da imaju vrlo mali zazor...
Pročitaj višeRoots duvaljka s tri lopatice serije JYSR (suhi tip Roots vakuum pumpe) ne samo da ima karakteristike tvrdog izduvavanja općeg Roots ventilatora s tri lopatice (u daljem tekstu ventilator ili ventilator i za ventilator i za vakuumsku pumpu suhog tipa) (to . ..
Pročitaj više2025-03-10
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