Roots blower is mainly composed of casing, impeller, shaft, gear, bearing, oil seal and other components, which cooperate with each other to support the operation of the blower. Casing: The casing is the main part of the Roots blower, usually made o...
Lees meerEnergy saving and high efficiency: Due to the reduction of mechanical friction loss, its energy efficiency is greatly improved than that of traditional fans, which can save 30%-50% of electric energy consumption. The fan can automatically adjust the ...
Lees meerEnergy saving and high efficiency: compared with traditional vacuum pumps, energy saving is significant, such as 100 million liters maglev turbine vacuum pump than water ring vacuum pump energy saving of more than 40%, than multi-stage centrifugal va...
Lees meerMagnetic levitation bearing system: magnetic levitation bearing is one of the core components of magnetic levitation centrifugal air compressor, which is composed of radial bearings, axial bearings, displacement sensors, controllers and electromagnet...
Lees meerMagnetic levitation bearing: Magnetic levitation bearing is one of the core technologies of magnetic levitation blower, which is composed of radial bearings, axial bearings, displacement sensors, controllers and electromagnets. The displacement senso...
Lees meerDaar is verskeie tipes Roots-blasers, waaronder Roots-blasers van vlekvrye staal 'n baie algemene een is. Hierdie tipe waaier word algemeen gebruik in werksomstandighede wat korrosiewe media bevat, en gebruik gewoonlik 304 of 316 vlekvrye staal as die materiaal ...
Lees meerRoots Blower is 'n toestel genaamd Roots Blower na die Amerikaanse Roots-broers wat dit uitgevind het. Die waaier het twee rotors wat oorkant mekaar draai, en die gaping tussen die waaier en die behuising is baie klein, wat lug met krag kan uitstoot en vir...
Lees meerWortelwaaier is 'n meganiese toestel wat gebruik word om gas of gasmengsel te vervoer. Dit bestaan uit 'n paar ineenlopende waaiers en doppe, wat dikwels na verwys word as "skroeftipe" of "waaiertipe" waaiers. Hierdie waaiers is ontwerp om 'n baie klein speling te hê ...
Lees meerDie JYSR-reeks drielem Roots-blaser (droë tipe Roots-vakuumpomp) het nie net die harde uitlaat-eienskappe van 'n algemene drielem Roots-blaser (hierna na verwys as die blaser of waaier vir beide die waaier en droë tipe vakuumpomp) (wat . ..
Lees meer2025-03-10
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