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Air conveying

Air conveying is one such method that helps to move things from one place to another with the help of air. There are many jobs where this process is more important, for example in cooking, construction or agriculture. AIR CONVEYING: To quickly and effectively transport JYSR materials, we use air to carry rather than requiring people to move heavy materials by hand. Now, let us discover what conveying system is and how it helps. 

The food processing industry, perhaps unsurprisingly is where you will see air conveying used the most. It is used to get all of the ingredients from one part of the food-making process to another. For instance, individuals can use air conveying to deliver flour or sugar in the mix area corresponding to making snacks. It also helps to take the materials from one place to another in factories with fewer human efforts than carrying them by hand or using conveyor belts. It is a fast way to work and an efficient way to organize everything.

Principles and mechanics

In this case, pneumatic conveying uses high pressure air to move materials through a custom pipe. The JYSR pipe is usually made of metal or plastic, and industrial air conveying systems is often used to transport different materials safely and efficiently. At one side of the pipe, the materials flow in and are very much carried out by means of the robust air movement. 

The airflow is generated by a machine called blower or compressor. The air gets blown through the pipe by this machine and we can make it go fast or slow to move stuff however we want. The air can be moved faster or slower and with more or less strength which control how fast the materials are worked through the system. The pipe has also got some interesting parts – valves, and filters that help control the materials flowing, and prevent trafficking something in a pipe.

Why choose JYSR Air conveying?

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